
We are the T'siya Day School Suns of the Pueblo of Zia Tribal Administration. Our mission is to make sure all students excel above and beyond all academic expectations using both traditional and digital learning initiatives. Every one of our students has access to high quality learning resources and modalities for success in all academic settings. We welcome students to an exciting learning environment where every day presents a new opportunity to grow. As our students continue growing, soaring, and reaching new academic heights, their futures get brighter and brighter. From childhood to adolescence, T'siya Day School students discover and develop a wide range of academic interests, skills, and talents to build a bright future.
Strategic Transformation of Education Plan (STEP) Initiative
During the 2022-23 school year, T’siya Day School implemented the Strategic Transformation of Education Plan (STEP) initiative – a digital learning portal with a blended learning approach. Our students can now maximize this opportunity by accessing the digital learning portal with a 1:1 student-laptop usage ratio. This approach gives our students the advantage of integrated applications, such as Great Minds, Eureka Mathematics, and Benchmark Advanced for reading. T'Siya Day School's language revitalization program will focus on multiple levels of our Native Karesan Language. Every one of our students benefits from the robust learning strategy and the comprehensive application of these innovative tools and resources. T’siya Day School’s team of dedicated educators are committed to the growth and development of your children - tomorrow’s leaders.
In partnership with the Pueblo of Zia, to provide a safe, drug-free environment in which to holistically educate students. Our goal is to academically, socially, and culturally prepare our students to improve and surpass current economic, social, and cultural standards for a healthier future.
We envision a future in which students are prepared academically, socially, and culturally, to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.
Academic Vision
Students will be self-motivated, effective communicators, computer-literate, and problem solvers that have high expectations of themselves.
Social Vision
Students will have self-esteem, be responsible, positive risk-takers, and have respect and care for themselves, humanity, and the environment.
Cultural Vision
Students will live their native culture, speak their home language, acknowledge, and respect traditional values, as well as appreciate other cultures.
Message from the Principal
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Our staff is happy you decided to join us for a promising school year. Our students are the bright futures of the Pueblo of Zia community and we appreciate every family member helping us keep our Suns shining.
Check out our newly designed website which includes, enrollment information, a new digital learning portal, news items and much more. I invite everyone to stay abreast of all calendar events, eLMS resources, and school news on the website. Be part of this enhanced learning environment as we advance every student to the next academic level.
Before the school year starts, every parent/guardian should review and sign the T’Siya Day School handbook which provides critical information on school-wide policies and procedures. Because of our strict health and safety precautions adherence, this campus remains a safe and comfortable learning environment for every child.
Family involvement is more welcome than ever as we maintain strong partnerships. Please reach out to your child’s teacher as soon as possible, and plan to participate in any parent nights, PSO/ Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings, or school board meetings.
Thank you for being invaluable to the T’Siya Day School community as we continue to set new standards and achieve higher goals in elementary education.
Mrs. Veronica Perez, Principal